The Artist

Bon Allen

People think she's joking, but the truth is Bon did indeed grow up without a TV. Which makes her a handy person to know in a power cut.

Bon developed a love of painting from an early age, but after being forced to put down her paintbrushes to pursue being a "proper grown-up" in her mid teens, it wasn't a part of her life for some 20 odd years. Thankfully as she hit 40 she realised that whoever told her to be a "proper grown-up" was talking rubbish and picked those brushes up again.

Self taught, Bon has had work in the Saatchi Gallery, been Suffolk Mind's Artist in Residence in 2018 and now continues to paint as it brings balance to her life. She refuses to paint humans as she says they are far too easily offended, so loses herself in the wonder of predominantly animals and the odd landscape!

Known for having a sense of humour, Bon brings animals to life and injects personality with her own unique style. She hopes to grow old disgracefully, painting animals whilst listening to classical music or hip hop, surrounded by Chow Chows.

Contact Bon